Bishop’s Update: Day Four, June 26

Eucharist on Day of Presiding Bishop Election

Bishop’s Update GC81 Day Four, June 26

Wednesday morning worship at General Convention. Prayer and praise in many languages as we prepare to elect our next presiding bishop.

Election of the Next Presiding Bishop

An exciting day at General Convention as we elected Bishop Sean Rowe to be our next presiding bishop. In the first pic, Bishop Rowe stands between his two immediate predecessors, presiding bishops Katharine Jefferts Schori and Michael B. Curry. In the second pic, Tess Judge of The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina announces to the House of Bishops that the House of Deputies has confirmed the election of Bishop Rowe. Prayers for Bishop Rowe and his family and for the other candidates for election, bishops De-De, Scott, Rob and Daniel. A happy day!