Highlights from GC81: Day Three, June 25
Day three of GC81 was full of legislation work and opportunities to see the Spirit moving through the governing bodies. To your right, you’ll see President of the House of Deputies Julia Ayala Harris addressing the House of Deputies (Photo Credit: Randall Gornowich). Provided below are all of the highlights from this day, organized in order of occurrence and by categories, as well as an educational section on the upcoming election process for the next presiding bishop that is taking place on day four, June 26.
Morning Prayer
Day three began with a service of Morning Prayer, and you can view the recording by clicking the button below:
Legislative Sessions
Both houses met in joint session in the House of Deputies for a morning presentation by the chairs and members of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. Legislative sessions continued in the afternoon. Read more about what happened today in the Episcopal News Service’s GC81 Daily Digest and its other convention coverage.
Election of the President of the House of Deputies
The House of Deputies reelected Julia Ayala Harris as president Tuesday afternoon. Ayala Harris’ second term begins on June 28 at the close of convention.You can read more on the Office of Public Affairs website in English, Spanish, or French. Ayala Harris took questions from media at a press conference in the afternoon. See this article from the Episcopal News Service for more coverage of this election.
Presiding Bishop Election Process
The Office of Public Affairs shares this informational bullet-pointed series that details what the election process will look like tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28, when the next Presiding Bishop will be elected:
- After Wednesday’s Eucharist, bishops will gather at Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral to elect a presiding bishop in executive session.
- Once there is an election, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry sends a delegation to report the result to the House of Deputies president.
- The president refers the name to the House of Deputies legislative committee on the Confirmation of the Election of the Presiding Bishop without announcing the name to the whole house.
- The committee will then meet to adopt a report and resolution to present to the House of Deputies on whether to confirm the choice of the House of Bishops.
- The House of Deputies will receive the report and vote on the recommendation.
- At the conclusion of that vote, the president of the House of Deputies will appoint a delegation from the House of Deputies to notify the House of Bishops of the action taken.
- The bishops remain in the cathedral and must refrain from any outside communication throughout the election and until the confirmation is received.
- Once the House of Bishops receives the confirmation, the presiding bishop-elect, at the invitation of the House of Deputies, is then presented to the House of Deputies, along with family members, and may address the house.
- A press conference with the presiding bishop-elect and Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be hosted by the Office of Public Affairs following election and confirmation. Watch the press conference online.