Highlights from GC81: June 22

Today may not be the first official day of GC81, but the energy and opportunities of the day were Spirit-filled. The day consisted of opening remarks from Presiding Bishop Curry and PHoD Julia Ayala Harris, and the day ended with the uplifting and powerful church-wide revival. To the right, you’ll see a picture from the revival (Photo Credit: Randall Gornowich). Below, you’ll find links and information of the day’s events, organized in order of occurrence.

Opening Remarks

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris delivered opening remarks this afternoon to a joint session of the House of Deputies and House of Bishops. Below, you will find links to the recording and transcripts of the opening remarks.

For the transcripts, click here for Presiding Bishop Curry’s remarks transcript, and click here for PHoD Julia Ayala Harris’s remarks transcript.

For news coverage of the opening remarks, see the Episcopal News Service’s article here.

The Love.Always Episcopal Revival

This special night of churchwide worship and revival at the KFC Yum! Center included Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as preacher in the 27th and final revival of his tenure. The Episcopal Church’s Facebook or YouTube pages. Bishop Curry’s sermon will be transcribed and posted on the Office of Public Affairs’ website.

You can also watch the revival on The Episcopal Church’s Facebook or YouTube pages.

For the transcript of Bishop Curry’s sermon, click here to visit the Public Affairs’ website where the transcript is housed.

To read news coverage of the revival and Bishop Curry’s sermon, see this article from the Episcopal News Service and this article from The Living Church.