Reporting from General Convention 81 (2024)
On this page, you will find all of the reports from the 81st General Convention (GC81) of The Episcopal Church, that came from our Bishop, our deputies, and the wider church.
Bishop’s Update: End of GC81
Two last pictures from General Convention, as we get on the road to head home. The first was taken during yesterday’s closing worship (pictured to the right). Beautiful colors, powerful …
Deputies’ Update: Days Four-Six
Please enjoy this photo update shared by our deputy Barbara Crumbacker, who has provided pics from Wedensday-Friday. All photos are captioned, so hover over the image in the slideshow to …
Deputies’ Update: End of Day Five
Deputy Hannah Hutchens shares this report from GC81, along with photos and a video message (captions and a transcript included). She shares: This experience is one that will be hard …
The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe Elected as the 28th Presiding Bishop
On this momentous day of the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe (bishop of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York) …
Bishop’s Update: Day Four, June 26
Eucharist on Day of Presiding Bishop Election Bishop’s Update GC81 Day Four, June 26 Wednesday morning worship at General Convention. Prayer and praise in many languages as we prepare to …
Bishop’s Update: Day Three, June 25
Annie Jacobs Honored as Distinguised Woman by the Episcopal Church Women Bishop’s Update GC81 Day Three, June 25 Congratulations to Annie Jacobs of The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina for being named one of …
Deputies Update: End of Day Three
Deputy Barbara Crumbacker shares, “Hello from Louisville, everyone!” As a first timer to General Convention, what an exciting, enlightening and educational event for me!! I’ve been fortunate to have been …
Bishop’s Update: Day One, June 23
Today, in the House of Bishops, we settled into the legislative work that will occupy the bulk of our time together. As bishops, we sit at round tables that allow …
Deputies’ Update: June 22
Barbara Crumbacker shares a first timer’s perspective at GC81 with views of the convention center, our deputies, and views from the Love.Always Episcopal Revival. See below for a photo gallery …
Where to Find News and Video Coverage For the 81st General Convention
The 81st General Convention (GC81) of The Episcopal Church will be held in Louisville, KY from June 23-28, 2024. Below you will find links to reporting, livestreams, and materials coming from the …
Deputy Tess Judge Featured on the House of Deputies Podcast
Our diocesan treasurer and General Convention deputy, Tess Judge, is one of the featured speakers on the most recent episode of the House of Deputies podcast The Blue Book called “Get …
Highlights from GC81: Day 6, June 28
The six and final day of GC81 was a busy and joyful day. The day began with an uplifting service of Eucharist, and pictured to the right you will see …
Deputies’ Update: End of Day Six
Deputy Tom Tully shares his updates for day six, the final day of GC81. Pictured to the right you’ll see our deputies at their table in the House of Deputies …
Highlights from GC81: Day 5, June 27
The fifth day of GC81 was packed full of legislation and presentations. During the morning in the House of Deputies, each deputation received placards from Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral in …
Deputies’ Update: End of Day Five
Our deputies had a long day of legislative sessions, but they were Spirit-led in the work and were diligent and thoughtful in their consideration of resolutions brought to the floor. …
Highlights from GC81: Day 4, June 26
Day four of the 81st General Convention was arguably the most momentous day of this eight-day convention with the election of the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. As we …
Highlights from GC81: Day Three, June 25
Day three of GC81 was full of legislation work and opportunities to see the Spirit moving through the governing bodies. To your right, you’ll see President of the House of …
Highlights from GC81: Day 2, June 24
Day two at the 81st General Convention was just as packed full of legislation and fun as the prior days, and you’ll see our deputation from East Carolina pictured to …
Deputies’ Update: End of Day Two
Rev. Tammy Lee of St. Paul’s, Beaufort shares highlights and updates from our East Carolina deputation on day two of GC81. See her video message below, which contains captions, and, …
Bishop’s Update: Day Two, June 24
Before and after …how ten years serving as a bishop can age a person! Alan (Massachusetts), Brian (Mississippi) and I (East Carolina) were ordained bishops in 2014. One picture was …
Highlights from GC81: Day 1, June 23
The 81st General Convention has officially commenced! On this first day of legislative business, the day began with Opening Eucharist (pictured to the right; photo by Randall Gornowich), followed by …
Highlights from GC81: June 22
Today may not be the first official day of GC81, but the energy and opportunities of the day were Spirit-filled. The day consisted of opening remarks from Presiding Bishop Curry …
Bishop’s Update: June 22
On a normal day at General Convention, the deputies (lay and clergy) and the bishops meet in different rooms and handle their legislative work separately …more about that as we …
East Carolina Deputation at Province IV Synod Gathering
Our diocese was well represented at last week’s Province IV Synod at Kanuga in western NC. Those attending included clergy deputies Robert Alves, Paul Canady, Richard Elliott, Caleb Lee and …
Five Presiding Bishop Nominees are to be Presented to General Convention
There are five candidates standing for election as the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe (Central New York) was nominated by petition to stand for election …