Congregation Visitations: Spring 2023

Here you’ll find stories and reflections about Bishop Skirving’s visits to congregations around the diocese this Spring, in order of recency.

June 2023

June 11, 2023: St. Paul’s, Edenton

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A few photos from Sunday’s celebration with the people of St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Edenton. Sixteen teens and adults were confirmed and, if I read their register correctly, that makes 102 people confirmed there during my time as bishop.

My visit included:
  • time with the senior warden and search committee chair as the congregation approaches a critical time in their search for their next rector;
  • a stop at an art exhibit that featured the photography of Sam Harding, a young member of the congregation
  • lots of visits with familiar and new members of the congregation including the Rev. Robert Sawyer, their interim rector.
On every visit to St. Paul’s, I gain a new appreciation for the congregation’s history …for communion, we used the silver set that dates back to 1725!

The last picture shows the damage after a hawk dive-bombed me during the trip home. I’m fine, my car and the hawk were not so lucky…

June 4, 2023: Holy Trinity, Hampstead


This Trinity Sunday morning, I worshipped with the people of Holy Trinity Hampstead. Four individuals were confirmed, three from Hampstead and one from St. Philip’s Southport. Oh yes, and we remembered @trinitycenterpks on “Trinity Center Sunday!” After worship, I shared lunch with members of the Vestry and contemplated with them the future that God has for them. Across Deerfield Drive from the church buildings, construction has begun for an apartment complex that will include hundreds of units. Not too many congregations in the @eastcarolina.episcopaldiocese face this sort of opportunity!

May 2023

May 28, 2023: St. Joseph’s, Fayetteville


Getting set to join the people of St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church Fayetteville NC for their celebration of 150 years of life and ministry! Tonight, we will gather for an anniversary banquet and tomorrow at 10am we’ll gather for worship. I’m sure that all will be welcome for worship!

As my sermon for tomorrow takes final shape, I’m mindful that special anniversary celebrations are typically centered in thanksgiving for the past …people, events and stories. Our celebration will be set in the context of worship for the Day of Pentecost, a perfect opportunity to be mindful of the ways that God’s Holy Spirit empowers us today and for the future of God’s world.

Please hold the people of St. Joseph’s Church in your prayers, that they may be mindful of God’s Holy Spirit moving powerfully in their midst!

May 21, 2023: St. James the Fisherman, Shallote


The people of St James The Fisherman Episcopal Church in Shallotte have been working hard to make their church buildings more visible and attractive from Main Street, as part of their desire to be a more welcoming congregation. Looking forward to my visit with them tomorrow, May 21st!

To save a really early drive in the morning, I’ve come down today. Added bonus? I’ve been able to explore Ocean Isle, Sunset Beach and Calabash …a few of the hidden gems in eastern North Carolina!

May 7, 2023: St. Philip’s, Southport

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A glorious morning of worship with the people of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Southport NC, except that we didn’t worship in their current facilities, or in their historical chapel across the street from there. Instead, we worshiped within the ruins of the “original” St. Philip’s Church in Brunswick Town. What a beautiful day to be outside! Worship, with lots of folks confirmed and received, was followed by a picnic lunch. Burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and fries were served from a food truck, with lots of delicious desserts brought by members.

While I have visited the Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site as a tourist more than once, this was my first time to lead worship here. Apparently, it was the first time a bishop has been there for worship since 1964! I’ll add in a little extra story with the pictures.

Many thanks to the Rev’s Eric Mills, Lisa Erdeljon, Pamela Hayes, verger Ricky Evans, and everyone else who worked so hard to plan and host our worship and picnic today!

April 2023

April 23, 2023: St. Paul’s and St. James, Wilmington

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Thanks to the Rev. Caleb Lee and the people of St Paul’s Episcopal Church_Wilmington NC for sharing these pictures of my visit there this morning. The Rev. Cindy Duffus brought a crew over from St. Anne’s Episcopal Church-Jacksonville, NC to join us, and about ten folks from the two churches were either confirmed or reaffirmed their baptismal covenant. Great music, solid questions during the adult forum, and a generally enthusiastic gathering!

Most of you know I love baseball …well today I’m enjoying a worship double-header! Right now I’m listening to the Pirates between this morning’s service at St. Paul’s and my next service a little later this afternoon at St. James Parish in Wilmington.

April 16, 2023: Emmanuel, Farmville

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Worship this morning was in Farmville, with the faithful people of Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Before going to the church, I stopped at the local soup kitchen for a picture. This ministry is spearheaded by the people of Emmanuel, with 30 to 40 volunteers from across town working in teams to feed lunch to about 50 people each weekday. David Lott is senior warden and shared with me in leading worship today. Then it was time to sit down to a delicious meal of barbecue, courtesy of Chris Burti, with sides and desserts brought by members. Wonderful hospitality, as usual, and lots of good conversation over lunch! Just another great day in The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina!

April 15, 2023: Zion, Washington

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The people of Zion Episcopal Church (Washington, North Carolina) are celebrating 200 years as a congregation in The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, and 285 years since their founding. This morning, they gathered with others from the wider Washington community to consecrate the graves of freed, formerly enslaved members of their congregation. With time, grave markers had disappeared and so a new memorial marker was recently erected as a way of honoring these former members and in order to more fully tell the history of the congregation.

This was a project initiated by their former rector, the Rev. Sarah Saxe, who had ground-penetrating radar brought to the cemetery to explore the site where these graves were discovered. The congregation has followed up on that work, and today their current rector, the Rev. Alan Neale led a simple service of music, history telling and prayer.

Here’s a link to an article about their celebrations that was published in their local paper.

April 9, 2023: St. Mary’s, Kinston

st-marys-kinston-easter_32Happy Easter! Felices Pascuas!

It was a joyous morning at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Kinston as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. Wonderful music, beautiful flowers, lots of adults and teens to be confirmed.

More pictures may follow, as I can share them from the congregation’s Facebook page, along with a link to the recording of today’s worship with my Easter sermon.

Peace to you and to all whom you love, whether you are celebrating Easter, Passover, Ramadan or in other ways!

April 2, 2023: St. Andrew’s by the Sea, Nags Head

st-andrews-nags-head_467Happy to spend the morning with the Rev. Nathan Finnin and the people of St. Andrews by the Sea Episcopal Church, Nags Head and to celebrate Palm Sunday with them! Another good-sized group of folks to be confirmed and received, and a wonderful lunch waiting for us afterward. Lots of energy in the life of this congregation as they continue to grow and find new ways to serve the people of their community. The Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement rolls on!

March 2023

March 26, 2023: St. Paul’s, Greenville


A great day at St. Paul’s, Greenville with worship at 8am and 10:30am, a forum at 9:15 am and a reception after worship. Lots of energy and excitement this morning, with one of the largest confirmation/reception/reaffirmation classes they’ve had in a while, as pictured here.

Thanks to Jay for the photo!

March 25, 2023: Confirmation Service at Trinity Center for the Diocesan Supported Confirmation Program

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Today was the culmination of more than a year of planning and hard work, as we celebrated confirmation with a group of teens at Trinity Center. Led by Emily Gowdy Canady, a team of three catechists (Hannah Hutchens, Buddy Payne and Lisa Erdeljon) worked with teens from three congregations in The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina in diocesan supported preparation for confirmation. After weeks of Zoom sessions, two retreats and individual time with sponsors, teens from St. Peters By The Sea Episcopal Church in Swansboro and Christ Church, New Bern were confirmed today. Others will be confirmed tomorrow at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Greenville, NC
Thanks to Paul and Sandy for these pictures.

March 19, 2023: St. Thomas, Ahoskie

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Happy to have worshipped with the good people of St. Thomas Ahoskie on this 4th Sunday in Lent. Acolytes Millie and Gates were delightful! And I heard lots about the various ways that members of the church are involved in feeding members of their community, including through this Blessing Box. Now, if only we could introduce them to the next priest whom God is calling to be with them ….

March 5, 2023: Holy Innocents, Seven Springs

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Great thanks to the photographers from Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Seven Springs NC for capturing so many images from today’s worship and meal (You can click through the slideshow above). It’s always a joy to be with these faithful folks, some of whom come to church in three and four generation family groups! So many of them expressed their gratitude to have the Rev. Whit Stroud serving as their priest, and for their new relationship with the people of St. Francis Church in Goldsboro.
As preacher, I brought together the images from our readings from Genesis and John’s Gospel. When God told Abram to “go” we hear that Abram “went.” We’re not sure if Nicodemus eventually responded the same way, accepting the invitation of Jesus to “see” and “enter” the kingdom of God. May God’s Holy Spirit move each of us to be born again…and again and again!

February 2023

February 26, 2023: St. Luke’s, Currituck

currituck-photo_859A few years ago (pre-COVID!), the people of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church – Currituck County, NC worked hard to create stained glass windows for their worship space, as part of an effort to transform the former restaurant more fully into their idea of “church.” This cross, given to me today during my visit with them, was made from the same glass as their windows. This thoughtful gift will be occupying a place of honor in one of my offices!
After worship this morning, we shared a tasty meal and some good conversation about the ways in which God is calling them to be church and to serve in their fast-changing community. Always too long between visits!

February 19, 2023: Absalom Jones Service at St. Andrew’s, Goldsboro


Celebrating Blessed Absalom Jones, with the people of The Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Goldsboro! Grateful for warm hospitality, joyful music and a great sermon.

To see the Absalom Jones Celebration service, click here.

February 12, 2023: Christ Church, Elizabeth City

christ-church-ec-rob-photo_793Glorious music this morning at Christ Episcopal Church – Elizabeth City …led by a fifteen voice choir that was supported by organ, piano, violin, viola and cello. Good job, Jason Evans! What a joy! Good to be together with these folks for worship, with a good number of adults confirmed and received and with one who reaffirmed her baptismal vows. I enjoyed time with the Vestry, responding to their questions and learning a little more about the challenges and opportunities that they face in the life and ministry of their congregation. It’s always good to be with their rector, Daniel Cenci and his wife Jessica. Also good to be with the Rev. Anne Dale for the first time since she has joined Daniel as an assisting priest at Christ Church. Really glad to have Sandy with me for the early morning drive in the rain, and for the ride home afterward!

February 5, 2023: St. James, Belhaven

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There was a real sense of God’s Holy Spirit moving in the midst of those gathering this morning at St James Episcopal Church in Belhaven! We had a happy time, with three confirmed in their faith and one received into The Episcopal Church. I’ll let the pictures tell the story!
One of the ways this congregation is serving the rest of the Diocese is by making their recently renovated rectory available to Tommy Drake, as he continues his formation toward ordination and leads East Carolina’s inventory of the leadership needs of our smaller congregations! Great to partner with the people of St. James in this work!

January 2023

January 29, 2023: St. John’s, Wilmington

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Lots of excitement and energy at St John’s Episcopal Church in Wilmington today! After a quieter service at 8:30am, including one confirmation, Sandy and I gathered for coffee, breakfast goodies, cake and lots of conversation in Elebash Hall with folks staying after the early service and arriving for worship at 10am. The pictures tell a little bit of the story of the second worship gathering, with warm hospitality, great music, 35 members being confirmed, received and reaffirming their baptismal vows, and lots and lots of children!
Always good to be with the Rev. Eric Moulton and the people of this growing congregation. It really seems as if God’s Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in the midst of this community of faith.
With my preaching today, I brought together the readings from Micah and Matthew, using in part the words of a meditation by Becca Stevens in which she suggests we ought to “preach what we practice” rather than the other way around.

January 22, 2023: St. Francis, Goldsboro

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Jesus ~ “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” This was one of the key verses of today’s gospel reading, and an inspiration for the altar frontal at St Francis Church, Goldsboro Nc. This visit was rescheduled from a Sunday in June that would have been one of the first Sundays for their new priest, Whit Stroud, to be with them. Now he’s a veteran! The warm welcome extended to me was also offered to a group from Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Goldsboro, who came to support one of their members who was to be confirmed. After worship, we enjoyed a great brunch and a time of questions and answers.

It was great to be with the people of St. Francis for the first time post-COVID, and for the first time since they entered into a priest-sharing partnership with the people of Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Seven Springs. God continues to be at work in our midst, bringing new life!

January 15, 2023: St. Timothy’s, Greenville


“Come and see.” These words from this morning’s gospel reading express an invitation by Jesus to two of the followers of John the Baptist. Only three words, but lots to think about as congregations consider their life and witness. Today I was with the people of St Timothy’s Church in Greenville for the first time since before COVID. Here’s a picture of two of the five buildings on their campus, a sharp contrast between the new worship space on the left and the older chapel on the right.

January 8, 2023: St. Mary’s, Gatesville

st-marys-gatesville_835Between worship and lunch today, the people of St. Mary’s Church in Gatesville posed for a picture with me. Behind us you can see a banner promoting their “Open Wide Outreach Ministry.” With the support of other churches in the county, they gather food to load into backpacks for about 75 elementary school and 20 middle school students to take home on Fridays and eat on the weekends. Truly a powerful ministry in Gates County, stronger because of its ecumenical nature!

Always good to be with these faithful folks! And grateful to share with the Rev. Jeff Douglas in the leadership of worship today. In his “retirement” Jeff provides this congregation with priestly support!