Rev. Anne Abdy Appointed Priest-in-Charge at Holy Cross, Wilmington

We are pleased to announce that the Reverend Anne Abdy has been appointed by Bishop Skirving to serve as Priest-in-Charge at Holy Cross, Wilmington to begin October 16, 2022. Rev. Anne comes to us from the Diocese of Oregon where she served as Vicar of Holy Spirit, Sutherlin until February 2021. She completed her Deaconate at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection in Eugene and then served as an Associate and Sabbatical Supply Priest at Resurrection. Anne has over thirty years of experience listening to the stories of individuals with chronic mental illness in hospital, community, and residential settings from her professional life prior to ordained ministry. Rev. Anne is married to Stacy, and together they love visiting family members and meeting God in nature.

Rev. Anne brings to ministry a passion for walking alongside others on their spiritual journey as a Spiritual Director and offering a welcoming sacred space for exploring how God is revealed to us through the liturgy, creation, and in holy conversations. She comes to ministry as lifelong Anglican/Episcopalian and claims that the Cursillo Movement “formed” her after introducing her to the concept for the need of a rule of life. Through the years she has adopted the Benedictine approach to spirituality of “Ora et Labora” meaning “Pray and Work” and the Benedictine’s practice of radical hospitality. Rev. Anne brings to ministry an understanding of discrimination and need for inclusion for all after growing up in the Apartheid Era in Southern Africa (Namibia and South Africa) as a daughter of a missionary/priest and mother who was a nurse. Rev. Anne received her Master of Divinity from Sewanee: The University of the South’s School of Theology in 2016.